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Item No: 6467556
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LickiMat Wobble Orange Bowl is designed to serve as a combination LickiMat and feeding bowl. The magic of LickiMat Wobble is that it challenges your dog to lick the treat and food to be rewarded. This slows the process dramatically and prolongs their enjoyment with less calories. The wobbling action promotes extra fun! This product is perfect to reduce anxiety, boredom, and destructive behavior. LickiMat helps calm and soothe your pet as they enjoy their favourite treat by helping release endorphins through the promotion of licking. In addition to those great benefits, it also can be used to promote slower eating, which in turn can help reduce bloating and improve digestion. LickiMat works for all manner of treats and foods, ranging from yogurt and peanut butter to raw, wet, dry, and liquid foods. For extra fun pet interaction, you can freeze different liquids in stages to provide a very long-lasting treat!